Monday, July 28, 2014

The sands of the Sahara built the Bahamas

The sands of the Sahara built the Bahamas
Joel IgnasseBy Joel Ignasse
See all Articles
Posted on 28-07-2014 at 4:09 p.m.
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American researchers believe that the winds blowing over Africa have transported dust from the desert to the end of the Atlantic.
The islands of the Bahamas based on a platform of calcium carbonate.  OT The islands of the Bahamas based on a platform of calcium carbonate. OT

WIND . Bahamas would they Bahamas without the Sahara Desert, to some 8,000 miles away? No, according to a team of geologists from the University of Miami: they think that the winds blowing over Africa have transported dust from the desert to the end of the Atlantic.

Mills calcium carbonates

Sampling was carried out on 270 samples of seabed off some islands of the Bahamas. The findings, published in the journal Geology , indicate the presence of both nutrients characteristics of atmospheric dust: iron and manganese, in a manner consistent with the Saharan sand proportions.

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