Monday, July 28, 2014

Elephant murderers in Africa

A complaint was filed by the brother of the victim, and an investigation to determine if all the necessary protective measures were taken.

Mr. Aucante, the owner and director of the European circus, and must respond to "irregular operation of a holding of non-domestic animals."

The representative of the prosecutor Hélène Collet had denounced in his indictment "an addition of misconduct" on his part.

"The elephant was left unattended after his number when he was angry," she had said, while counsel for the accused Mr. David Missistrano ensured that all safety regulations were followed.

The hearing did not clarify the reason for the presence of the tank near the enclosure of the animal. Similarly few material items were collected by the investigators to document the lives of the pachyderm, a victim of "abuse" that would have made more aggressive by animal rights groups.

These past several years claimed that the elephant "kind of circus" to be sent "to a sanctuary in South Africa," as she continues to tour.

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